Not a Bad Sequel

I read The Shining when I was about 15 and loved it. It scared the hell out of me, but the ending left me wondering if there would be a sequel. I was thrilled when I heard that it was finally being released and snatched it up as soon as Nook listed it on sale in a daily find.
As you can imagine, the Danny Torrance we watched get terrified by the myriad ghosts in the Overlook and watched his father descend into madness grows into a very sick man. He has a lot of hang ups and struggles with both the past and his gifts. He is a highly flawed character and, unlike a lot of King's agnostic characters, actually appears to come out of everything okay.
I love how King tied everything up. It's nice to know that Dan is not completely okay, but is better than anticipated by the ending of The Shining.