Filled With Good Advice and Stories
I read Robison's more famous work, Look Me in the Eye, before I was diagnosed and fell in love with his writing style. He is a highly engaging writer and clearly wants to give insights and advice to those on and off the spectrum.
This is a bit different in that he shows how his strengths were used to help him gain the success he did. This is very different from his last book, where he mostly talked about his life and experiences. In doing this, I found this book to be far more compelling and helpful for me as an Aspergian.
I would highly recommend this book for anyone who has relatives with Asperger's syndrome, for teenagers and adults with Asperger's syndrome, and for teachers, coaches, or other adult leaders who mentor young Aspergians. In fact, he devotes a whole quarter of the appendix to just adults who deal with Aspergians.